Monday, March 14, 2016

Social networking sites

There are so many different social media websites out there.  There are websites for just straight up communicating while others are for seeing pictures people are posting and even websites for just strictly videos.  We have all been on social media, but what are your favorite sites? I have decided to look at two of my favorite sites, Instagram and YouTube along with Facebook and Twitter.
Let's start off with the most notable, basic one which is Facebook.  To me Facebook is the kingpin of Social Media websites.  Facebook replaced MySpace, and when I was younger I used Facebook to communicate with my friends and meet new people, which always worked.  Nowadays I noticed I use Facebook mostly to keep up with my family, in fact I deleted my old Facebook which was filled with 1500 friends and now I have a Facebook that I have 150 friends and it's mostly family.  Facebook has it all, you can share statuses, pictures, videos, locations, private messaging and you can like/comment on all these things to show people you are interested in what's going on.  Facebook also has celebrity/fan pages but they aren't as in depth and used as much as the next social media website I am going to bring up.
Twitter istarted off pretty much as a social networking site in which people shared or "tweeted" what was on their mind.  And by adding a "hashtag" (#) you were instantly connected with people all over the world that used the same hashtag.  For example if you were watching the super bowl and you wanted to express your opinion on it for the world to see you would type in #SuperBowl and people would tweet back to you and see what you had to say.  Now Twitter is very similar to Facebook, you can share videos/pictures/locations etc.  To me Twitter is more fun, there are so many parody/meme accounts that can keep you entertained all day.  Also you get to see celebrities you are interested in personal accounts which is pretty cool.
Instagram is the newest of the four social networks I chose.  Very simple concept, you post pictures and people who follow you like/comment on them. I love Instagram, I don't post a lot of things but I follow many of my friends and more importantly pages I'm interested in.  I am very interested in cars and I follow so many car pages and I Get to make my morning commute everyday a little better by passing time by looking at all these cars I am interested in.
I think YouTube is my favorite.  I have been on YouTube the longest, and it'll never get old.  YouTube has all types of videos, music videos, funny videos, how to, reviews, short movies... The list can go on forever, whatever you are interested in, you type it in the search and thousands on thousands of videos show up.  I can't tell you how many times I have used how to videos to fix something. YouTube is great, and I think it will continue to be great.

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